黄 亮 Huang Liang
平面设计 graphic design

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The Seven Deadly Sins of Cybersecurity


"The Seven Sins of Cybersecurity" comprises seven posters, creatively merging the original sins with contemporary internet issues. These works critique modern societal problems, breaking from traditional print media, exploring diverse formats, and adding interactivity. Using distinct styles and techniques, they intentionally avoid uniformity, showcasing rich diversity.

"サイバーセキュリティの七つの大罪" は、7つのポスターから成り立ち、7つの大罪の本義と現代のインターネット状況を結びつけ、時代の問題を批判的に考察しています。デザインにおいては、伝統的な印刷メディアの支配を打破し、多様なメディアを探求し、作品に対話性を導入する試みが行われています。これらの作品は異なるデザインスタイルと製作技法を用いて表現され、統一感を薄め、作品の多様性を引き立てることを目指しています。

傲慢 / Pride / 傲慢

High and Mighty

周 夏司 Zhou Xiasi


This work focuses on various top internet influencers, including anchors, who harness the immense power of their fans. They have gained disproportionately high rewards in a short period, considering themselves god-like and blinded by unjustified pride. The piece employs acrylic reverse-printing techniques, with selective backlighting, highlighting the arrogance of the characters in the illustration.


Acrylic printing

嫉妒 / Envy / 嫉妬

Being Green with Envy on Faces

谭 桑 Tan Sang

吕 靖诗 Lu Jingsi


In the realm of appearances, jealousy is most easily evoked. The internet provides countless opportunities to see people's outward appearances, but it also brings a deluge of malicious criticism towards looks. This is an interactive poster that uses the magic of stickers (featuring various embroidery techniques) to allow for the combination of different face shapes, eyes, and mouths, creating expressions of varying degrees of jealousy. Beautiful parts are pieced together to form an unattractive whole, allowing viewers to truly experience the idea that 'jealousy distorts one's true self'.

外見に関する問題では、嫉妬心が最も簡単に生まれます。インターネットは無数の人々の外見を見る機会を提供していますが、外見に対する悪意のある批判も押し寄せています。これはインタラクティブなポスターで、刺繍技術を備えたさまざまなステッカーを使用して、顔の形、目、口を自由に組み合わせ、異なる嫉妬の度合いの表情を作成します。美しい部分が醜い全体を構成し、観客が '嫉妬は人を歪ませる' というアイデアを実際に体験できるようにしています。

Digital Printing and 11 Special Embroidery Techniques

INTL 2024 finalist

暴怒 / Wrath / 怒り

To Rant Against a Stranger


Wrath - Incubated in cyberbullying, it harbors an uncontrollable rage, orchestrating a dialogue between aggressors. The smaller vitriolic words originate from provocateurs, If you encounter them, ask yourself honestly whether you would respond with anger and fierceness as well. There are no pure victims, only 'sinners' all bearing the 'crime' of wrath. Full-page embossed printing technology accentuates the conflicted sense of violent anger.

激怒 - インターネットいじめから生まれ、制御できない怒りの炎を抱えて、虐待者同士の対話を続けます。小さな言葉の中傷は挑発者によるもので、もし彼らに出くわした場合、自分自身に正直に尋ねてみてください。あなたも同じように怒りや激しい反応を示すでしょうか?被害者は一度も存在せず、怒りの「罪」を抱えた私たちです。フルページの浮き彫り印刷技術は、激しい怒りと対立感を表現しています。

Screen printing + Embossed silver

IPT 2024 finalist

懒惰 / Sloth / 怠惰

Visual fatigue · Mobile Phone · Sloth


Is our obsession with lying still and mindlessly consuming online content, while disregarding our innate thinking abilities, a new kind of laziness? This artwork uses a phosphorescent coating to simulate the faint glow from screens hitting our faces in the darkness. It is complemented by text and graphic design techniques to deepen the viewer's resonance.

激怒 - インターネットいじめから生まれ、制御できない怒りの炎を抱えて、虐待者同士の対話を続けます。小さな言葉の中傷は挑発者によるもので、もし彼らに出くわした場合、自分自身に正直に尋ねてみてください。あなたも同じように怒りや激しい反応を示すでしょうか?被害者は一度も存在せず、怒りの「罪」を抱えた私たちです。フルページの浮き彫り印刷技術は、激しい怒りと対立感を表現しています。

Digital inkjet printing + Glow-in-the-Dark UV Printing + Embossed

贪婪 / Greed / 強欲

Decode Propaganda Messages


To conduct live sales while avoiding regulations, let's create a constant stream of online substitutes! The absurd and chaotic clamor, forsaking the path of linguistic integrity for profit, isn't it a form of greed? The lenticular printing with 3 images technique creates an effect where truth and falsehood are indistinguishable.


Lenticular printing with 3 images flip effect

暴食 / Gluttony / 暴食

I Who Am Dominated by Gluttony


Online, the ease of having food delivered right to your door creates an unstoppable flood of culinary temptations. We dive into feasts without restraint, and who can escape the consequences? The texture of wool mimics the sensation of a plumped-up body, inviting everyone to stand before the small mirror embedded in the poster and witness the effects of our indulgence. Presented in the form of a carpet, this artwork intends to tell you that a poster is not confined to vertical walls; it can seamlessly fit into any living space!


Hand embossed cutting tufted wood rug, Stainless steel etching

色欲 / Lust / 淫欲

Uncontainable Eroticism on the Screen


Various on-the-edge pop-up ads keep popping up, causing computer infections, and there's no way to contain the screen filled with explicit content. Someone passes by, please don't look at the screen, I beg you. I've dragged the mouse so hard it left a trail, but I can't close it. Hand-pasted "pop-up" stickers evoke thoughts of haphazardly stacked ads in city corners, while various laser film techniques create a feeling of "chaos gradually becoming captivating." These sensory stimuli serve as a reminder to viewers not to fall into the trap of temptation.


Acrylic printing, Digital inkjet printing + Laser film

creative director-黄亮 Huang Liang
copywriter-冯嘉琳 Feng Jialin
art director-谭桑 Tan Sang / 周夏司 Zhou Xiasi / 吕靖诗 Lu Jingshi